

Pouran Golshani

Last Name




Pouran Golshani
Practitioner Level
Level 3 Practitioner
My journey has been truly remarkable, characterized by a pursuit of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Initially, I studied Mathematics in high school and later focused on financial management, diligently pursuing this career in Iran until my late thirties. In 1988, my family and I made a significant move to Canada, where I continued my career as an independent accountant until 2012. Known for being trustworthy, I have always helped friends in difficult times. Due to such experiences and my life journey, I chose a career as a spiritual life coach, obtaining licenses for life coaching and quantum biofeedback to assist people in need.

Throughout life's journey, I underwent a transformative shift in my beliefs. Raised practicing Islam, the Islamic revolution in Iran prompted me to reassess my faith. This led to a period of exploration across various spiritual paths, encountering different masters, and delving into diverse ways of life. In 1990, I discovered Sufism, particularly through MTO Shahmaghsoudi, School of Sufism. This marked a turning point as I began practicing Sufism, finding a profound connection to the love within my heart. This discovery of love as the key to my spiritual journey brought an end to my search for truth.

My journey is a testament to my courage, open-mindedness, and dedication to personal growth. It is inspiring to witness how I navigated through different beliefs and paths to find my spiritual home in Sufism, where love becomes the guiding force in my life. My story serves as an example of the transformative power of exploration and self-discovery.

Discovering QHHT(Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy) by chance in December 2020 felt like a crucial part of my educational journey, completing the missing piece to equip me with the tools for personal and collective healing. Without hesitation, I registered, studied, passed the test, and actively practiced QHHT.

As I progressed, I realized the profound impact QHHT had on my well-being and the lives of those I guided. The technique aligned perfectly with my spiritual aspirations, allowing me to facilitate healing and transformation in a profound way.

Looking ahead, my aspiration is to share knowledge and wisdom with the Iranian population worldwide, particularly in my native Farsi language. I am preparing myself to not only be a practitioner but also an educator, passing on the teachings of Dolores Cannon and the healing potential of QHHT to my fellow Iranians. This endeavor is driven by my sincere desire to contribute to the well-being and spiritual growth of others, mirroring my own journey.

Through working and studying to acquire level 3 (the highest level in QHHT), my journey has been marked by a series of discoveries, each contributing to my personal evolution. Now, as a level 3 practitioner, QHHT has been a pivotal chapter in this journey, and I am committed to continuing my growth and sharing the knowledge bestowed upon me. With love as my principal guiding principle, I am excited to see where this path leads me next.

Primary Address

Maple ridge
British Columbia

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