Von Galt
Practitioner Level
Level 2 Practitioner
Aside from being a QHHT practitioner, I’m an IT professional and author who writes about metaphysics. I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Washington. I attended graduate school at the University of Maryland University College for E-Commerce, and ultimately graduated with my Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on E-Business from Westwood College Denver North. My metaphysic interest in the evolution of consciousness comes from my 40+ years as a Buddhist. The Dharma Wheel of Karma and Reincarnation is a central part in understanding the relationships and life lessons that people undergo in this lifetime and many other parallel lifetimes in the past, the present, the future, the in-between lives, and in multiple dimensions, which all exist at the same time. I investigate metaphysic modalities and peer review them against much academic research for writing material in future books I work on.
Side Note on My QHHT Training:
In 2011-2012, I started writing metaphysic blog articles from my research following many Buddhist monk's initiatives to participate in academic research into metaphysics. I shared it on social media to test the interest in awakening and ascension topics, which was going to be a book I was working on. That published book is, "Buddhist Mandalas: Explore Parallel Realities with Sacred Geometry". That research brought me to write a blog on energy healing, which brought me to Dolores Cannon's hypnosis technique (QHHT). I became a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) practitioner in 2012 so I can talk to the Oversoul directly, and offer in-person hypnosis to clients in the Seattle area. I wanted to understand why people make the life planning that they did in the spirit world and how they progress in living it.
I took the training again in 2014 to get back in the QHHT database that I already completed the training and have the 2012 course materials to prove it. When I completed the Level 2 online training, I discovered that Dolores Cannon's daughter, Julia Cannon had no clue that her mom taught an online QHHT Level 1 Udemy course in 2012. Later on, I learned from Julian Cannon that the original Udemy online class was a test run on how they wanted to teach Level 1 online. The feedback I submitted on the learning process online helped them gain clarity on how they refined the training and course material for their website.
I completed my Level 3 QHHT training with Jovy Wan in December, 2020, but did not get fully certified due to existing commitments, which leave me less time to teach QHHT to stay certified. However, when a lite Level 3 certification is offered, I'd get it then.
In my QHHT hypnosis practice, I continue to get clients that are Starseed and Indigo/Tulku incarnates, who are brought to me to uncover their mission to help raise the Earth's frequency by helping raise the consciousness of the people in their lives. This recurring phenomenon is being documented for a book I am writing that explores the challenges of Starseeds and Tulku Children in the ascension of Earth.
I've been a channeled scribe for 3 ascended master teachers that help guide me in my practice through synchronicity. They are Kwan Yin, the legendary female buddha, who helps facilitate self-healing through the chakras, Archangel Metatron, who taught me about the oneness in creation through Sacred Geometry, and Yeshuah (Jesus), a Buddhist monk who teaches how to change frequencies through finding clarity in life lessons. You can read some of those blog articles on my website.
All of my sessions are unique. Each one of my client's stories brings clarity, wisdom, and understanding of God's expansion through direct experience with its creations. I'm most grateful to be a QHHT practitioner because I do not advertise for QHHT clients. The universe sends me QHHT clients when they are ready for a session and they often seek me out.
Side Note on My QHHT Training:
In 2011-2012, I started writing metaphysic blog articles from my research following many Buddhist monk's initiatives to participate in academic research into metaphysics. I shared it on social media to test the interest in awakening and ascension topics, which was going to be a book I was working on. That published book is, "Buddhist Mandalas: Explore Parallel Realities with Sacred Geometry". That research brought me to write a blog on energy healing, which brought me to Dolores Cannon's hypnosis technique (QHHT). I became a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) practitioner in 2012 so I can talk to the Oversoul directly, and offer in-person hypnosis to clients in the Seattle area. I wanted to understand why people make the life planning that they did in the spirit world and how they progress in living it.
I took the training again in 2014 to get back in the QHHT database that I already completed the training and have the 2012 course materials to prove it. When I completed the Level 2 online training, I discovered that Dolores Cannon's daughter, Julia Cannon had no clue that her mom taught an online QHHT Level 1 Udemy course in 2012. Later on, I learned from Julian Cannon that the original Udemy online class was a test run on how they wanted to teach Level 1 online. The feedback I submitted on the learning process online helped them gain clarity on how they refined the training and course material for their website.
I completed my Level 3 QHHT training with Jovy Wan in December, 2020, but did not get fully certified due to existing commitments, which leave me less time to teach QHHT to stay certified. However, when a lite Level 3 certification is offered, I'd get it then.
In my QHHT hypnosis practice, I continue to get clients that are Starseed and Indigo/Tulku incarnates, who are brought to me to uncover their mission to help raise the Earth's frequency by helping raise the consciousness of the people in their lives. This recurring phenomenon is being documented for a book I am writing that explores the challenges of Starseeds and Tulku Children in the ascension of Earth.
I've been a channeled scribe for 3 ascended master teachers that help guide me in my practice through synchronicity. They are Kwan Yin, the legendary female buddha, who helps facilitate self-healing through the chakras, Archangel Metatron, who taught me about the oneness in creation through Sacred Geometry, and Yeshuah (Jesus), a Buddhist monk who teaches how to change frequencies through finding clarity in life lessons. You can read some of those blog articles on my website.
All of my sessions are unique. Each one of my client's stories brings clarity, wisdom, and understanding of God's expansion through direct experience with its creations. I'm most grateful to be a QHHT practitioner because I do not advertise for QHHT clients. The universe sends me QHHT clients when they are ready for a session and they often seek me out.
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You have ALWAYS been enough. Use the gifts and resources all around you to create a life full of love and joy. A life you want to experience. The spirit world will nudge you through synchronicity. You can do it!